Saturday 26 May 2012


The General Electric laboratories in Schenectady, New York experimented with authoritative still and motion account annal of television images in 1931.3

There is some affirmation to advance that the BBC experimented with filming the achievement of the television adviser afore the television account was placed on aperture in 1939 due to World War II. BBC controlling Cecil Madden afterwards recalled filming a assembly of The Scarlet Pimpernel in this way, alone for blur administrator Alexander Korda to adjustment the afire of the abrogating as he endemic the blur rights to the book, which he acquainted had been infringed. However, the affirmation for this is absolutely anecdotal, and absolutely there is no accounting almanac of any BBC Television assembly of The Scarlet Pimpernel during the 1936–1939 period.

According to a 1949 blur produced by RCA, bashful films had been fabricated of aboriginal beginning telecasts during the 1930s. The films were attempt off television monitors at a acceleration of eight frames per second, consistent in somewhat hasty reproductions of the images. By the mid 1940s, RCA and NBC were adorning the filming action and including sound; the images were beneath hasty but still somewhat fuzzy.4dead link

During World War II, television cameras were absorbed to American and German guided missiles to aid in their limited steering.56 Films were fabricated of the television images they transmitted for added appraisal of the ambition and the missile's performance.7

The aboriginal accepted actual archetype of the telerecording action in Britain is from October 1947, assuming the accompanist Adelaide Hall assuming at the RadiOlympia event.8 The marriage of Princess Elizabeth to Prince Philip aswell survives, as do assorted aboriginal 1950s productions such as It is Midnight, Dr Schweitzer and the aperture two episodes of The Quatermass Experiment, although in capricious degrees of quality. A complete 7-hour set of telerecordings of Queen Elizabeth II's 1953 accession aswell exists.citation needed

editWorldwide Affairs Distribution

In the canicule afore satellites, telerecordings were acclimated to deliver reside contest such as a Royal Marriage as bound as accessible to added countries of the Commonwealth that had started a television service. An RAF aeroplane would fly the telerecording from the UK to Canada, area it would be advertisement over the accomplished North American network; for Australia, a additional telerecording would be fabricated in San Francisco and aureate to Sydney for transmission. Afterwards getting originally televised in 405 lines, telerecorded, scanned in 525 lines, telerecorded again, and again rescanned in 625 curve for bounded transmission, the superior would be terrible, but it could be advertisement alone 18 hours afterwards the event.

Even afterwards the addition of videotape, the BBC and the ITV companies fabricated atramentous and white telerecordings of called programmes for all-embracing sales, and affiliated to do so until the aboriginal 1970s by which time programmes were getting videotaped in colour. Most, if not all, videotapes from the 405-line era, accept long-since been wiped, as accept abounding from the addition of 625-line video to the aboriginal canicule of colour. Consequently the majority of British shows that still abide afore the addition of colour, and a amount thereafter, do so in the anatomy of these telerecordings. A scattering of shows, including some episodes of Doctor Who and a lot of of the aboriginal alternation of Adam Adamant Lives!, were advisedly telerecorded for affluence of alteration rather than getting videotaped.

editEastman Television Recording Camera

In September 1947, Eastman Kodak alien the Eastman Television Recording Camera, in cooperation with DuMont Laboratories, Inc. and NBC, for recording images from a television awning beneath the brand "Kinephoto". Prior to the addition of cine in 1956, kinescopes were the alone way to almanac television broadcasts, or to deliver arrangement television programs that were advertisement reside from New York or added basic cities, to stations not affiliated to the network, or to stations that admired to appearance a affairs at a altered time than the arrangement broadcast. Although the superior was beneath than desirable, television programs of all types from celebrated dramas to approved account shows were handled in this manner.

NBC, CBS, and DuMont set up their capital kinescope recording accessories in New York City, while ABC chose Chicago. By 1951, NBC and CBS were anniversary shipment out some 1,000 16mm kinescope prints anniversary anniversary to their affiliates beyond the United States, and by 1955 that amount had added to 2,500 per anniversary for CBS.9 By 1954 the television industry’s blur burning surpassed that of all of the Hollywood studios combined.1011

edit"Hot kinescope"

After the arrangement of coaxial cable and bake relays accustomed programs to the West Coast was completed in September 1951,12 CBS and NBC in 1952 instituted a "hot kinescope" action in which shows getting performed in New York were transmitted west, filmed on two kinescope machines in 35 mm abrogating and 16 mm changeabout blur (the closing for advancement protection) in Los Angeles, rushed to blur processing, and again transmitted from Los Angeles three hours afterwards for advertisement in the Pacific Time Zone.1314

In September 1956, NBC began authoritative blush "hot kines" of some of its blush programs application a lenticular blur action which, clashing blush abrogating film, could be candy rapidly application accepted black-and-white methods.1516

editDouble arrangement adjustment of editing

Even afterwards the addition of Quadruplex cine machines in 1956 removed the charge for "hot kines", the television networks affiliated to use kinescopes in the "double system" adjustment of cine editing. It was absurd to apathetic or benumb anatomy a cine at that time, so the unedited band would be affected to a kinescope, and edited conventionally. The edited kinescope book was again acclimated to accommodate the cine master. More than 300 videotaped arrangement alternation and specials acclimated this adjustment over a 12-year period, including the fast-paced Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In.17

History continues on the blur recorder page.

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